Git commands as a devloper you should know..

A list of some basic Git Commands to get you going with Git.

Before starting with the basic commands of git. Let's learn first what is Git?

Git is a version control system that helps us to keep track of our code changes, track who made changes, and also helps us to collaborate on code.

What does Git do?

  • Manage projects with Repositories
  • Clone a project to work on a local copy
  • Control and track changes with Staging and Committing
  • Branch and Merge to allow for work on different parts and versions of a project
  • Pull the latest version of the project to a local copy
  • Push local updates to the main project

Check the version of Git

This command is used to know the version of the git that is installed on your local computer.

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Configure Git

Now let Git know who you are. This is important for version control systems, as each Git commit uses this information.

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Create new local repository

When you are on your project folder then we can initialize git.

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Check out a repository

Create a working copy of a local repository:

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Add files

This command allows us to add one or more files to staging.

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Commit changes to head (but not yet to the remote repository.

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Commit any files you've added with git add, and also commit any files you've changed since then.

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Send changes to the master branch of your remote repository.

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List the files you've changed and those you still need to add or commit.

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Connect to a remote repository

If you haven't connected your local repository to a remote server, add the server to be able to push to it.

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List all currently configured remote repositories.

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Create a new branch and switch to it.

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Switch from one branch to another.

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List all the branches in your repo, and also tell you what branch you're currently in.

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Delete the feature branch.

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Push the branch to your remote repository, so others can use it.

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Push all branches to your remote repository.

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Delete a branch on your remote repository.

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Update from the remote repository

Fetch and merge changes on the remote server to your working directory.

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To merge a different branch into your active branch.

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View all the merge conflicts, view the conflicts against the base file, preview changes, before merging

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After you have manually resolved any conflicts, you mark the changed file.

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You can use tagging to mark a significant changeset, such as a release.

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Above CommitId is the leading character of the changeset ID, up to 10, but must be unique. Get the ID using

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Push all tags to the remote repository

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Undo local changes

If you mess up, you can replace the changes in your working tree with the last content in head: Changes already added to the index, as well as new files, will be kept.

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Instead, to drop all your local changes and commits, fetch the latest history from the server and point your local master branch at it, do this:

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Search the working directory for foo():

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This is all for the basic git command that we should know as a developer.

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